Sustainable Design forms Backbone of Boston Community

Sustainable community developing in Boston, Mass.

While green architecture is, by its very nature, good for the environment, its other benefits are becoming widely recognized as property owners and tenants increasingly ask for sustainable design. Green buildings have lower energy costs, for example, since they conserve water and energy, making them profitable for owners and cost-effective for tenants. New buildings, however, are drawing attention not just for their financial benefits but also for their potential to improve a community and anchor a way of life.

The potential for a community centered around sustainable design is clear in Allston, a neighborhood of Boston that until recently was not known for much more than its cheap bars. The neighborhood’s reputation started changing when a local developer began to build in the area using green architecture; former mayor Thomas Menino was inspired to create the Allston Green District, two blocks that form an utterly unique new part of Boston.

Sustainable design is in increasing demand
Green architecture is in increasing demand in Boston and across the U.S.
The District will be populated entirely by environmentally friendly buildings, bringing a wealth of new jobs to contractors in the area who are certified in sustainable design. Architects are inspired by the challenge of creating buildings that are both sustainable and beautiful, while new arrivals to the area are drawn to the new buildings as representative of an entire green lifestyle. Residents sign a Green Declaration and commit to recycling, using reusable bottles, and taking public transportation whenever possible – and far from being a burden, it’s the emphasis on environmentally conscious lifestyles that’s building excitement and transforming the neighborhood.

Property owners in Allston are as happy as their tenants about sustainable architecture, and benefit from a way of doing business that’s both responsible and profitable. Owners appreciate a project that has a clear social benefit while staying cost-effective; many share the same values as their tenants and welcome the chance to support a LEED certified building. As the area becomes more accessible by public transportation and more easy to navigate by foot, the appeal of incorporating sustainable design into a community will continue to grow.

Massachusetts has been moving toward more sustainable design for some time, and the new Green District is likely to be the first of many spaces focused on green architecture. As customers ask for high quality environmentally friendly design, contractors who have passed the LEED certification exam will be in increasing demand, and being able to fill the ever-growing need for sustainable architecture will be both profitable and rewarding.

Learn more about designing and developing green building and sustainable communities!

Created by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) as a voluntary, consensus-based, and quantifiable rating system for green building, LEED has become the most widely recognized green building rating system in the world.

LEED Exam Prep is the best way to make sure you pass the challenging LEED certification exams on your first try. With GreenEDU, you will learn from the LEED instructors through simple to follow educational materials, excellent presentations, and real-world examples that will help you understand the complex concepts. We offer a number of courses, so visit our website to sign up today for the course that best fits your needs or call our office at 646-564-3546 and one of our team members will be happy to assist you.

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