Preventing Lead Exposure in Children

In line with National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week October 19-25, the NCHH (National Center for Healthy Housing) released a report that outlines the outcomes and recommendations it has for the lead poisoning prevention strategies. In 2013, the NCHH met with prominent advocates in the fields of health, affordable housing, and education in order to create a blueprint which will serve as the ultimate agenda for preventing lead poisoning in children. The report outlines the outcomes the NCHH hopes to achieve with the assistance of various levels of government and the private sector.

The health sector of this panel advocated the following outcomes:
  • Lead sources are identified and controlled before a child is exposed. 
  • Neighborhoods at greatest risk are identified to target resources and action. 
  • Children with elevated blood lead level test results receive home-based services to prevent further exposure. 
The housing sector hopes to achieve the following outcomes:
  • Make 11.5 million homes lead-safe. 
  • No home that has poisoned a child poisons again.
And finally the education aspect of the report intends to have:
  • Key education leaders, elected officials, the business community, and the voting public understand the educational benefits of preventing childhood lead poisoning. 
  • All children who have been exposed to lead have undeniable access to assessment and intervention services to improve their ability to learn.

Click here to read the full NCHH report and learn about the strategies outlined for the prevention of lead poisoning in children.

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