Impact Environmental Surpasses Benchmark Volumes
Through beneficial use, IEC had its most productive month ever - far exceeding our previous benchmark of 168,000 tons, to over 192,000 tons of soil for the month of October. Compared to the cyclical trend with a slightly positive growth of last year (shown in blue) this year 2011 (in red) truly stands out. Despite all the negative news about the local and global economy, Impact Environmental remains a vital and growing force in the remediation industry.
Our volumes are steadily rising, with October being a record setter. Analytics for the year show that we have dramatically increased our productivity for each month starting in June. This growth in volume has been optimized by strategic acquisition of new facilities, which allows us to handle increasing project loads.
A second analysis of YTD Volumes (right) comparing 2010 (blue) and 2011 (red) shows cumulative totals for the whole year. In 2010 we moved over 1 million tons for the first time; in 2011 we hit the million ton mark in early September. We project that by the end of the year we will be over 1.5 million tons, an increase of 50% in volume.